Thursday, May 20, 2010

Live with the knowledge of Information society

The society where to produce knowledge, where employees are engaged in producing intangible product is Information society. The material products that are the outcome not related with any matter or energy. Information society is not only related with only internet, it may anything symbol, signal, image or artifacts and so on. If we consider the sequence of different types of society as Tribal, Agrarian, Industrial and Post industrial society, Information society is the society what we called Post industrial society or Post modern Society. It can better be said as the post industrial society where majority of those employed are not involved in the production of tangible goods

Economist Fritz Machlup, is one of the first people to develop the concept of the information society. Fritz Machlup (1962) calculated that in 29% per cent of the GNP in the USA had been produced in knowledge industries. Today half of countries total GNP is coming from Information industries. Information society is the means of getting information from one place to another (Wark, 1997, p22) with the help of some sophisticated technologies. Immaterial labor produces knowledge that contributes knowledge economy in today’s Information Age. Thus knowledge has become the principle force of production and so knowledge can be transformed into a commodity.

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