Thursday, March 17, 2011

Some known facts of Penguins

17 species of penguins are available in this earth, some of which are found as far north as the equator. These three families: brush tail, crested, and king emperor penguins are the generally found families of Penguins. Of these species only six are found in Antarctica (Adelies, Chintraps, Emperors, Gentoos, Macaronis, and Rockhoppers).

For their effortless movement through the water and their possible evolution from gull like birds Penguins often are referred to as “flippered flyers”. Penguins typically feed on krill and fish, in the water. The dietary habits of penguins are relatively easy to monitor. Krill eating penguins excrete pink guano, while those eating fish leave behind white guano.   The yolks of penguins are often red indicates the consumption of krill.

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