Sunday, June 16, 2013


A few of my words come directly from my mind and soul to be specific. I am not a born poet but tried my level best to make my poems worth readable. Hope my words are sensitive enough to penetrate your imagination and thought at the same time. I expressed my thoughts in words in 12 years back. But that was solely to remain in my personal diary; here I am blessed with the opportunity to display my thoughts and imagination in front of all my blog lover and visitors of the site. 

Poetry is the word comes from Greek origin. It comes from a verb with means “to make, to create”. A poem is “something made or created”. The poet is the creator and language is the material out of which s/he creates his/her work of art. It is a very ancient art which was born as an oral form and accompanied by simple music and dance. It expressed what people regarded as meaningful and memorable in their lives. Poetry can be situational as natural disaster, births and deaths, brave actions, dangerous enemies, battles, etc. It was often part of our religious rites.



Here remain the three poems of mine naming as O MA, K TUMI and JIBON GEETI

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