Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Mass Media or Class Media ?

The mainstream media characteristically skew their portrayals of economic classes towards the white middle and upper classes, with all their privileges. They hardly represent the interests or perspectives of working-classes. Mission of media is to entertain and educate people with all those happenings of the globe. But Mass media somewhere lost its mission and turned as a true profession. Mass media is getting to much topical too. When a media outlet is forced to cover national and international news, it cannot address numerous interesting local stories.

Mass media is a media of large audience. It may be as broadcast media as television and radio, or print media, like newspapers and magazines and Internet media. But nowadays it is becoming a class media. It is fetching its interest to a segment of people. As magazine journalism is concentrated to what extend that simply beyond our imagination. Internet is a media of literates whereas Newspaper demands a systematic and sophisticated knowledge for better understanding. In such a condition as TV – the audio- Visual Media is working like fatalist for less educated people. A serious lack of quality programme makes this Cool Media not only chilled but also torpid. On the verge of dying Traditional Folk Media should be awakened to convey social message to the rural masses.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Embedded journalism....its good or what?

Today, we are living in an era of Embedded journalism where the news reporters being attached to military units.  The journalist significantly involved in armed conflicts. The practice came into being in 2003, by the media coverage of the invasion of Iraq. The journalists found that they were unable to make their way into areas where fighting was going on at the time of Iraq War. Thus they came up with an agreement from military that the journalists would travel with specific units, reporting on their progress of War. In March 2003, 775 reporters and photographers had reported as embedded journalists. These reporters signed contracts with the military and then only they are permitted to enter but not to report information that could compromise unit position, future missions and classified weapons. The practice has been criticized as being part of a propaganda campaign. It is also an effort to keep the reporters distant from civilian populations and sympathetic to invading forces. War Made Easy: How Presidents & Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death – this documentary film is a good example of it. 

Friday, March 26, 2010

Rejuvenate your body / mind and soul with Ayurvedic therapies

The unique, prime branch of medicine in the world today is Ayurveda, aims in maintenance of health. Its only mantra is how can live life healthy, happy and longer. Physical as well as spiritual health can better be maintained after the advent and utilization of Ayurveda. As per Ayurveda, the structural aspect of every individual is made up of five elements - earth, water, fire, air and space. For the indigenous and extensive Ayurvedic treatment India has gained worldwide recognition. Various centers are established throughout the length and breadth of the country. Kerala is the focal point of Ayurvedic treatments in India.

Developed about 5000 years ago, Ayurveda is the ancient medicinal form in India. Life of science –Ayurveda is now dominating over all the forms of medicines. A plethora of medicines are being developed to recover a wide array of diseases. KayaChikitsa(General Medicine)- all systematic disorders are treated by this branch. ShalyaTantra (Surgery), VishaTantra (Toxicology and preventive medicines), Vajikaranam (Aphrodisiac / Eugenics Treatment), ShalakyaTantra (E.N.T. and Ophthalmology), KumarBhrutyaTantra (Pediatrics), GrahaChikitsa or Daivavyapashrya (Spirituology / Psychiatry), Rasayana (Geriatrics and Rejuvenation therapy) are the Ayurvedic branches in India.

The soothing effect of Ayurveda on body and soul has attracted tourists from different countries of the globe. A boon for tourism in India, Ayurvedic treatment is very much available in diverse of health centers and tourists resorts. Apart from treatment for diseases it also challenges to offers therapy that rejuvenate the body and mind from the ills arising out of the frictions of everyday life.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Allure with the everlasting charm of Kerala Backwater

It’s truly a retreat from the machine-like life, Kerala - Gods own country, the exotic travel hub offers the comforting lap of the green waters. Kerala Backwaters is the ultimate matter of fascination in Kerala. Kerala Backwaters ushers its visitors to unfurl the serenity wrapped in tranquility. The coastal regions of Kerala have a network of waterways, inlets from the sea, and estuaries of over 40 rivers. For uncovering these lakes and natural canals connecting coastal towns, Kerala houseboats ‘Kettuvalams’ are hired. These houseboats having traditional touch are the best way of transportation by enjoying the scenic exquisiteness. Kerala Holidays cannot be imagined without a soothing ride on the Kerala Backwaters.

Enjoy every single moment by hearing the soothing sound of water rippling alongside your houseboat. Enchant yourself by the blue countryside, swaying palm trees, emerald rice fields and children waving on banks. Leave all your stress and trauma and feel completely relaxed as you enter into a world of serenity and natural beauty. It will seem as paradise where land, sea and sky come together in a union of elements. So, offer your beloved the best holiday and compose an unforgettable vacation.  

Monday, March 22, 2010

World’s largest swimming pool in Chile

San Alfonso del Mar decked in Algarrobo, Chile cross the threshold to become the largest swimming pool in the world. It holds its remarkable position in Guinness world record of being the largest artificial lagoon in the sphere. Stretched at total area of eight hectares, contains an incredible 250,000 cubic metres of water. More elaborately, it is more than 1,000 yards long, covers 20 acres, has a 115-foot deep end, and notably holds 66 million gallons of water. As here the proverb fits more appropriately , Rome was not built in a day. This gigantic pool took five years to build, cost nearly 1 billion, with 2 million annual maintenance charge.

San Alfonso del Mar turquoise waters are so crystal clear that one can see the bottom even in the deep end. The sun warms the water to 26c, which is nine degrees warmer than the neighboring sea. This surprisingly maintained pool uses a computer-controlled suction and filtration system to keep fresh seawater in permanent circulation. The man-made saltwater lagoon San Alfonso del Mar, Algarrobo, Chile is attracting huge crowds (visitors/ swimmers) since it opened last month. Thus it well defeated the Orthlieb - nicknamed the Big Splash, in Morocco spreading mere 150 yards long and 100 yards wide - second biggest in the world.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

IPL ---Indian Prosperity / Power League

For season 4, IPL 2011, team prize literally reaches beyond the sky. PUNE and KOCHI are recently been added in IPL season 4. Now it seems the word “Premier” should be replayed with “Prosperity” or “power”, as in today’s era money is power. Quite reprehensibly, Sahara Adventure Limited has bought the Pune IPL team for $ 370 million (1732 crore) while Rendezvous Sports wins Kochi IPL team for $ 333 million (1533 crore).
Sahara, Adani group and VC Digital Solutions were in the bid for Pune team but Sahara was the highest bidder to buy the team, with surprisingly shocking amount of $ 370 million (1732 crore). The base price for each team was $ 225 million. The Bollywood tycoon Salman Khan, Saif Ali Khan, Kareena Kapoor remains diminished among the elevated bidders. Videocon also stands nowhere in this file.
In this game of money and wealth the game rule will also change a bit. Here lays four fielding substitutes instead of the single 12th man from 2011. Icon player status will also be abolished. Pink balls in practice matches will make the game rosier.

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Dominance of New Media

New Media the newer form of Media is emerging as the highly liked medium of communication in the world. It’s the fastest and effective means of communiqué. The supremacy of new media is quite palpable. In the later part of 20th century the term new media has flourished which encompass the emergence of digital, computerized, or networked information. As teemed with the advantages as compressible, interactive and impartial New Media bangs in this vicinity. Internet websites, computer multimedia, computer games, CD-ROMS, and DVDs are significantly surpassing the old media as television programs, feature films, magazines, or paper-based publications. The most creative medium New Media brings revolution in the early 1990s. However, we seem to witness a systematic social change after the advent of new Media.

Media and Politics

Media and politics are the terms may be used interchangeably. Media is greeted as the fourth pillar of democracy, but unfortunately not so in practice. The leading media (print or electronic) is becoming the mouthpiece of any particular political party. The Print Media or the media of literates are enormously publishing the political stories. It’s not hard to get personal tone prevails in it. Media is tremendously biased in publishing the political hearsay in case of its space, must head and visual treatment. Cover Page stories are also dominantly captured by political affairs. A Qualitative analysis comes to know, print media is devoted more and more space in publishing Political News, thus ignoring several major social issues.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Women Reservation Act

Women, Its the time to say "hurrahhhhh" as despite vociferous opposition, Rajya Sabha passed the historic Women’s Reservation Bill that reserves 33 per cent of legislative seats in the Lok Sabha and state Assemblies, on Tuesday. 9th of March, 2010 is a Red letter day to all women, as it comes with a wide smile to every women residing in this socio-political structure. After being refused by several times, Women Reservation bill is finally into our grasp. It was an issue that went beyond politics, a reflection of the emerging women power in a rapidly modernizing India. Now Women became more politically strong by triumphing the long pending war from 1992. When Rajiv Gandhi's announced Panchayati Raj Act, granting 33% reservation for women in local bodies.


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