Saturday, March 27, 2010

Embedded journalism....its good or what?

Today, we are living in an era of Embedded journalism where the news reporters being attached to military units.  The journalist significantly involved in armed conflicts. The practice came into being in 2003, by the media coverage of the invasion of Iraq. The journalists found that they were unable to make their way into areas where fighting was going on at the time of Iraq War. Thus they came up with an agreement from military that the journalists would travel with specific units, reporting on their progress of War. In March 2003, 775 reporters and photographers had reported as embedded journalists. These reporters signed contracts with the military and then only they are permitted to enter but not to report information that could compromise unit position, future missions and classified weapons. The practice has been criticized as being part of a propaganda campaign. It is also an effort to keep the reporters distant from civilian populations and sympathetic to invading forces. War Made Easy: How Presidents & Pundits Keep Spinning Us to Death – this documentary film is a good example of it. 

1 comment:

  1. I heard that Vietnam war had more grim war fighting displayed on tv as well as flagged coffins. The news here has shown very little morbid fights like Vietnam so the people wont protest like they extremely did in Vietnam. Bush strongly didn't allow the coffins shown on tv but that changed with Obama but there hasn't been lot of that on tv, because it is the soldiers family that has a say, and the media has to cover other news.
